Following is an investigation into the Electric Universe- with information from Earth:
First: ash from Crater Lake. that has erupted twice in the last 7,700 years:
Then, closer to Hurricane, Utah, are some equivalent to Ivin Knoll of 1 million years age:
Explored is the influence of Life on the increasing development of Earth's Crust, as life takes the heavy cations from basalt- leaving silicates for crust's increases in thickness.
Iron springs with Fe+++ develop from soluble FeOH- ionized and precipitated when oxygen is encountered (exchamge of electrons):
Iron Spring at Whidbey Island's Coupeville Bay:
Closeup at the spring spilling onto the beach- making a concrete ramp with Fe++ to Fe+++
Iron Springs Meridian continues to the North to find anomalous Kloochman Rock, and then Collapsed pavement at Oak Harbor by the bay:
Above sequence shows that brines are oxydized, an anomalous Glacial boulder is split N-South, and a road is sheared by Electrical and Gravitational forces of our Moon- as the monthly shear of the crust is augmented:
orienting toward the North Pole:
Ala spit, North Whidbey Island, orients N-South, and this is the average influence of our Moon, as it orbits across the Ecliptic plane monthly. This may look like the moon itself, and it persists regardless of fierce ocean tides crossing the Deception Pass. There should be no electrical influence, but the salinity of the water changes with fresh water precipitation in the 6 months season:
Aleutians, Alaska archipelago have a Volcanic chain, which yearly puts electrically-charged SO2 and H2S in the air; this affects the atmosphere, and soil is recharged also; Bowers' subsurface ridge has reversed- probably at 16 m.y.- and it is putting charged ash in the Arctic- Bering Sea:
Example of activity in the last 2 years is the Bogoslov eruption, shown below:
Amazon basin drains to the east (by reverse tides) and Life is abundant in this tropical wet environment; does this electrically-motivated life Mass going down contribute to the uplift of the Andes, causing the drainage to reverse (S. America lags North America in movement) to the west (net)?
Note that the Amazon drains Eastward- reverse from the usual N. American west Earth Tides; the Mekong, Mississippi, and the Euphrates Rivers run to the south, while the Nile, Rhine, and the Kizilirmak (Red river in Turkey) drain to the north. Arkansas, Missouri, and the Oklahoma Red rivers drain eastward also, and this results in a mass of organic remains embalmed in sediments (later rock) descending- augmenting the rise of the Colorado plateau Cp to the west!
However, the Goal of the incipience and trigger of the rise (40 m.y.?) still must be determined:
Colorado plateau Cp is dragged by the youngest Rocky Mtns to the North in Colorado; this 80 m.y. segment is 818 km from south to north has 8 >) and 7 (< segments of average 10 m.y. each. Cp is in the middle, and is still active- shown by several Hot Springs- such as Pah Tempe in Hurricane, Utah on the west side. Below is a view of the east side:
Pah Tempe, Hurriane, Utah closeup:
I still have to find the start of Cp- where it is suspected to be near the 40-41 m.y. bend in the Hawaiian Emperor chain:
Above shows the trends of the Hawaii chain- where the 45 degree turn occurs at the 39-41 m.y. Kenmei seamount:
Note that this is just a correlation; I must prove that Cp started at some geological time, as shown in the Front Range in Colorado state:
More on the Basin and Range BaR- where it started before the 16 m.y. Columbia flood basalts:
Cp at Sand mountain is close to home, and will be detailed for its slant, uplift to east, CCW rotation, and canyons of Milankovic Age:
Sand Mountain canyon I have entered:
Closer to the Arc of Sand Mountain:
Sand Mtn. Arcuate Rotation;
Road arc shows the curve for Age calculation:
Above canyon labelled, and from the inside:
Milankovic 23,000+ year cycles;
Above Cp has 2400 km circumference- an Ellipse with roughly 800 km Diameter; this fits the 800 series of features in the Pacific Ocean with 7.2 degrees latitude change along a meridian.
Cp at right angles to see the extent of the ellipse:
Cp center is found where the Colorado River drainages Reverse Arcs; this is local, and I expect the San Juan Mtns to be closer to the true center- being the less eroded:
San Juan Mountains Red Cloud location:
San Juan's Uncompagre coordinates:
14,321 foot summit is highest at 4365m and 38.033N 107.4W.
Colorado plateau Cp compared with Californis's Sierras to Central basin:
I still need the start (Age) of Cp from the literature!
Turkey's Anatolia plateau Ap is compared- being younger, but with many similar features:
Anatolia extends east ward from the Menderes River- which has risen since biblical times- a meander namesake- to the center at Tuz Gulu salt lake:
Above will be treated furher with literature informatiom.
The Colorado plateau Cp is rising, as is apparent at the Hurricane fault Hf, rotation is CCW (counter clockwise), and its uplift is now partly due to the Mass of organic-bearing sediments pushing down- sinking in the Great plains:
Colorado River chatter shows the lateral vibration of the Plateau Cp:
Attempt was made to use the Colorado River inflections as an indicator of the Dynamics of the Plateau:
Cp gross features- where the orb of the west coast of California focuses (its Radius) on the E-West Uinta Mtns; this is a clue to the age by finding that the Sierras are 50 m.y. or less:
Comparison is made to the 32N Dead Sea- where very little lives- to find the negative:
Antarctica's Iron Springs results from electronic change of Fe++ to Fe+++ oxidized:
Well logs show the variation of chemical composition with depth, and below is the Kizildere, Turkey (Red hill Geothermal) which I ran in 1972:
Better copy, made without interfering light source:
Shelf creation for the Antarctica continent rotates away from Erebus volcano- which (with others) puts electrically-charged ash in the air; it's a Boiler, and subject to the movement of a LaGrange ET (equilateral triangle) 10,000 km to Talara, Peru Cape or jut at 4.561S latitude:
16,000 km (1777.777 x 9 sides of a continent) to the north (144 latitude degrees) is the Canada craton- which is stable, has no quakes or volcanoes, and which contributes milky rivers (no ash or unstable ions- hence no movement):
Local view allows the features to be examined, for the Canada Shield or craton; stability is created not by granite (our World has many plutons), but by its position being almost constant with time (this calls into question the Geo Culture's fanciful theory- moving plates with time)!
Clue from the 800 km Sierras in California is the uplift of the mountains, sink of the Central basin, the San Andreas fault system going NW, and the Rise of the coastal Range:
Literature has the Chuska formation of 34 m.y. in the Chuska Mountains, New Mexico, as a windborne formation- hence it was formed by surface air after the rise of Cp. This determines the youngest limit of sediments found - hence 34 m.y. is younger than the age. We're homing in on 40 m.y. and now must find other means to have it more precisely. Closest found for this unit is the Chaco culture center- where 32 m.y. calculations are made from Arc slices (Chaco culture is in man's history):
West of the Cp is the Basin and Range BaR- which should be no older than the Snake River plain which formed coincidentally:
Snake River to the Bitteroot Mountains is the path of the Intrusions going eastward >) via Reverse Tides, and it is at most 13.9 m.y. following 16 m.y. Columbia basalt flood found in Washington and Idaho:
Oregon Geology map shows the intrusions in red- which continue east to Yellowstone NP, Wyoming:
Path of the eastbound intrusions from Oregon to Yellowstone is shown below:
Note the slight "S" curvature- which indicates Rising in the N. Hemisphere; ages of the various Intrusions is shown for each, above ^. Cp formed before these uplifts and the Chuska formation. This places it simultaneously in Time with the Kenmei seamount of 39-41 m.y.
What happened to cause this 45 degree turn of the Chain? Speculated is that an object impacted Siberia, and after making a 3 lip (literature has 37 m.y. or more) crater, it bounced to form a Parabolic-shaped scrape SW of the Hawaiian islands- shoving the crust to the east. This is similar to the later movement of the BaR eastward.
Above could be a Parabola, since the ridges are scattered. Proof of the speculation can be found from the Emperor Chain- where it should truncate the ridges and troughs:
Ridge from the Parabola is truncated at the Tropic of Cancer:23.439N, and this hints of the change of the Tilt of the Earth reacting to the anomaly; possibly Precession has changed to Wobble of the normal 41,000 year cycle to 41 m.y. (x 1000).
Emperor Chain traces diagonally to the SE, and the parabolic ridge is seen at center ^
We have found the approximate Cp Time (Age), now for the Mechanism- which has 3 possibilities:
A. HEAT is generated with upward expansion from radioactivity, where Cp has it to the SW; the Geothermal gradient Gt is also high compared to the Texas basins. From the Valles caldera on the SE to White Mountains to San Francisco peaks at Flagstaff, Arizona, to Mt Trumbull of Miocene age in the strip, to Ivins knoll of 1 m.y. in Hurricane, Utah the basaltic rocks remain! Further the has crept to Veyo, Utah 10,000 years ago:
B. Cp is not normally faulted- being slanted up to the west \ for both east and west sides. It also is expanding to the west, as seen at the Washington City fault 20 km away; this suggests Earth Tides is moving westward- creating anticlines in the transition zone to St. George. Earth's tilted orbit is the first consideration- where there is 2.4 degrees precession of the Equinox;
Hot springs exist along the edge of Cp and the Wasatch fault- Roosevelt Springs North of Hurricane:
Pah Tempe at the Hurricane- Virgin River intersection:
Warm springs called the "Boiler" at Washington City 20 km west of Hf:
Experimentation (unfinished) was made on the Boiler to find if the Moon phase had influence on its 72F temperature:
February's Full Moon at the boiler:
Cp moves west from Hf (< as seen at Hurricane, Utah, and the result is the Boiler above and the Veyo hot springs- near the downward-spiraling (descending CW) cone:
Leeds young Volcano exists at a 45 degree turn of the Virgin Anticline- creating heat at the focus of the turn; it has purple chemically-changed earth, indicating that heat is still present, and that the vent is not dead. It occurs west 5 km from Hf, in the transition zone (which will be the location of Hf as it moves west :
Conclusion is that all of the 3 possibilities listed above have created the Colorado plateau Cp uplift, with a move westward, Heat, and enlargement with geologic time (10.24 km/m.y. or more).
Red Hill above has reacted to the 45 degree turn of the Virgin anticline- producung heat of friction for the Leeds volcano, as it scraped the Jurassic Navajo sandstone Jn.
you may wonder about the 2 m.y. curvature of Kenmei, and the various age measurements by radioactivity; changes via Asteroid strikes should be sudden, but this is the UNCERTAINTY of any Earth Science processes! Error of this work must be kept less than 5 percent for Engineering analyses.
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