South America:
LaGrange Equilateral Triangles ET, right Triangles, and Polygons exist on the Earth's surface, and these replace the Geo Culture's broken plates; below is the Mendocino 40.439N
(although arcuate, this is triangular)
to Talara, Peru
4.561S, 45 degrees latitude change- which is still a Mystery:
Talara and Mendocino both have oilfields onland (CA depleted); Earth Tides moving west create Anticline traps:
Arcipelagos are Volcanic, except for young Florida Keys, and include Aleutians, Antilles, Indonesia, and South Sandwich- Georgia, below:
Aleutians archipelago has a Reversal which is a clue to the 40-41 m.y. event at Kenmei s Seamount, where a 40-45 degree compass turn occurred in the chain:
Bower's Ridge and sink, above, have Reverse Tides first, then back to normal at the Aleutians' Archipelago: latest in the USA occurred after the Columbia flood basalts starting 16 m.y. ago. Aleutians are now moving South- following the arc.\
Arc was used to calculate the Aleutians age- beimg oldest at the East Kenai peninsula; 140 m.y. may be checked with the rock age from the literature. It will be younger than Alaska proper (it is a "tit' forming from an older TIT of at least 500 m.y.
Hyperbolic event may be a 40 m.y. Strike, Atomic weapon test result, or Rebound from a Crater, and a clue is found from its overlap of the Emperor chain:
Siberia 40 m.y. Crater from literature may have split a strike,and sent a low angle part to the above Pacific location- which may have rebounded into seamounts- it's
Chixculub island above *in Gulf of Mexico is best shown in India's Deccan Traps of 64 m.y. Age below:
Crater Hill, in Utah, compares a Volcano with a strike crater, below.
Crater Pictorial ^ above simulates Chixculub,
Reverse Tides- going Eastward- such as the Antilles, create Volcanoes by scraping the shallow Crust against the disparate-angled Mantle (USGS's black deep epicenters), and are made by friction -scraping of the relatively Westward-going continents:
Indonesia's Archipelago Nusantara has the great Majority of the Earth's Volcanoes- 4 active at any given time (Krakatau. Merapi, Agung now), at least 150 in various states:
Continental America has an Orb,with the westmost 40.439N Mendocino, CA protruding along the most northerly Transform; this Primary REFERENCE is a N-South Divider of the Pacific.Most transforms make Rectangles, not arcs:
Strikes from space are not corolis controlled; the bend in the Hi-Emperor chain may be related to a Hyperbolic arrangement of seamounts shown below:
40 m.y. event was searched, and 2 craters were found in Canada's 39 and Siberia's 40 m.y. could have split and rebounded- grazing the ocean floor, and creating the display above where the Focus at 19N 171.24E caused a rise. Part of the chain is shown below:
Diomedes 170W Divider separates the shrinking Pacfic Ocean:
Will this survive G+ termination?
ReplyDeleteNo matter how old you are, family history is important. While you might not think so at the time, as you get older there will be things you and your grandchildren will want to know. Most of us don't realise it until the older generations are gone and you can't replace first hand comments. Don't just put in about the good times, add in the harder times and how you overcame those trials. Another thing to remember is what caused the deaths of those you loved. There are many things that have been found to continue into future generations that knowing it runs in the family can be helped with now or possible in the future. prevention starts with knowing where to start. I wish someone had taken the time to write these things down for mew to be able to go back to. My Grandmother and my mother told us many stories of what things happened in their lives and about the people in their lives. I now wish someone had written those things down since both have passed now. But I never thought at that busy point in my life that I would one day want to remember all those things. So much family history is lost when the older generations are gone. Please pass it on to your family while you can. You can even just do it digitally so it can be accessed by family later on.Family pictures are something to cherish also. Just be sure to write down who is pictured in them, where they are taken and when. I have found family pictures that no one now even knows who is in them.
No matter how old you are, family history is important. While you might not think so at the time, as you get older there will be things you and your grandchildren will want to know. Most of us don't realise it until the older generations are gone and you can't replace first hand comments. Don't just put in about the good times, add in the harder times and how you overcame those trials. Another thing to remember is what caused the deaths of those you loved. There are many things that have been found to continue into future generations that knowing it runs in the family can be helped with now or possible in the future. prevention starts with knowing where to start. I wish someone had taken the time to write these things down for mew to be able to go back to. My Grandmother and my mother told us many stories of what things happened in their lives and about the people in their lives. I now wish someone had written those things down since both have passed now. But I never thought at that busy point in my life that I would one day want to remember all those things. So much family history is lost when the older generations are gone. Please pass it on to your family while you can. You can even just do it digitally so it can be accessed by family later on.Family pictures are something to cherish also. Just be sure to write down who is pictured in them, where they are taken and when. I have found family pictures that no one now even knows who is in them.