Monday, November 26, 2018

Spin axis Tilts and precesses; Milankovitch's Atmosphere- what about Earth's Crust?

Literature presents the present 23.439 degrees of Tilt, and this is influenced by our Moon:
Relative to our Sun, for Summer in the S. Hemisphere- we see the seasonal effect, above.
Red means dynamic activity in subsequent photos and comments
Milankovic calculated 3 ways that the Earth's Atmosphere responds to Pole Tilt changes; this applies to the Crust also- accounting for the vast ratio of viscosity of Crust/air of at least a million to one for Rock/gas of 80 percent Nitrogen:

The Battle lines are drawn; HEAT- Milankovic's Climate and Cycles (Q pulses, Time) vs EARTH TIDES' (Mass, Length, Time) to produce Hurricanes, Tornadoes, water Spouts and Coriolis Rotations vs Linear movements and Arcs on Google Earth! Spin of the Poles divergences vs Shove of the Landmass in Western directions and Reverse for Archipelagos >) East. Vulcanism occurs for both cases, and we'll head this off at the Post"

A  spinning toy top has "Walking" or eccentricity, Precession, or angle change with time, and Obliquity, or the net Wobble cycles.
Now, we must incorporate the Arcs, Rotations, and Wobbles found on Google Earth, as time progresses on the million year scale. Geological time or Ages will be contrasted with Time Intervals IT. Below is an example, as the N. Atlantic is twisted relative to the South along the Equator:
Unknown is the Time-Age of the Twist West of the MAR! It is sometime near 50-100 m.y. and likely caused ny the Columbia basalts of 16, Deccan of 64, and earlier Siberian Traps of 256 m.y. This Quartering of time of Strikes seems to be cyclical- decreasing in severity with elapsed time!

Our Moon has Libration, or rocking, Tilt of 5.145 degrees from the Ecliptic, and an equatorial plane different from Earth's- even though it is "locked gravitatonally with Earth".
Path throughtout an orbit is shown as a disconnected series- called an Analemma:

Moon's close side- showing Mare, or plains of lava brought by Earth's attraction:
Artist's rendition of Earth's view of Sun's Analemma:

Back to the original question- does the Earth's Crust follow Milankovic's Elliptical diversions, Precession of the Spin axis, and Obliquity or Wobble of the Poles?  These are 100,000, 24,000+, and 41,000 years, and are hardly noticed today. But the ancients would have had to adjust their calendars to offset the seasonal abberations, and this apparently has happened!

Best cases I have worked on for years are in Pacific NW- Whidbey Island's moving Mounds (even in Oregon and Oklahoma's Pimple Mounds) and the WA State Park off I-5 at Little Rock's Mima (farmer's name) Mounds- where I have visited all shown below:
Mounds above are Milankovic's Elliptical, Precesional, and Wobble of 24+, 50, and 100 k.y. and can be seen on GE at 37.22N 113.42W.
Another view, further away, shows the larger 100,000 year rises clearly.
PVM sink-saddle lies above Mound rise in the foothills, above.

STUDY of Dynamic features- where the movement can be observed in your Lifetime: Mima Mounds are formed by chatter= d(dv/dt = Jerk)/dt, which are from Ice Age or other Mass transfers, and they are dated by its Termination 15,625 years ago. Since then, some have continued to bulge in our time- the latest being in mowed grass at Holmes Harbor Golf course below:
Above red lines were found to be abberations in the software!

Continuing, there is buckle in the concrete sidewalk by the row of trees in the center right; this is 20 years old or less- since the grout was poured- and the attracting Moon has an 18.6 year rocking -cycle. Below is the Holmes Harbor Golf course, alongside Honeymoon Bay Drive:
Above has a N-South arrangement of Mounds, suggesting a Moon cycle has created it.
\Mima Mounds with Arcuate walkway between Mounds- suggesting an Earth Tide cycle:
Mounds with uplift of concrete sidewalk lies at the end of below paved path- to the right:

West side of Whidbey Island has more obscure mounds- not mowed:
Closeup of Mounds at Holmes Harbor Golf course, shows scarps and Sinks; they can be dated with local times, relating Rocking fractions and Earth Tides:

General configuration of Mounds and their oscillating pattern in the State Park:
Notice the intersecting Arc arrangements in lower center, above: these relate to Milankovic cycles.
Whidbey Island is isolated above the Puget Sound, and forms Mounds with recent Chatter, along the coast, above. Below is a broad view:
Enlarging the area at Freeland, a tree has bent after a mound interfered- indicating age:
Alas- poor photo,as I'll never go back (you can never go back in time, but that's another story)!

Holmes Golf coordinates is south of Honeymoon Bay- where more obscure Mounds are found at the Classic road red line; attempt was made to calculate the Earth Tides rate for an island:
Age is related to below boulder- which indicates mounds rose after glacial ice brought it:

Measured Arcs and locations:
Mounds occur wherever there is buckling of the Crust, and Oregon (with no ice age) has some by the coast:
Enlarging- these Oregon- near I-5 freeway- are diagonal, meaning that our Moon and Sun cycles have formed them (not ice age):
Mowed Golf courses are the best locations to search for Mima Mounds (named after the landowner in WA state, off I-5 to West); below are those near the Hurricane City, Utah course, near Freeway I-15; look past the Virgin anticline hogback in the center:
Closeup of Greensprings Golfcourse Mounds, WA City, Utah:
More on the Dynamics of Mima Mounds, where vegetation grows with the movement upward of the surface, opens the pores- allowing flowers to thrive in the loose soil:
Above photos should establish the connection between Milankovic's cycles and mass movement via Earth Tides- which have continued since the capture of our Moon at about 4,096 billion years ago.

Back to a larger view of Earth Dynamics-E. Tides forming uplifts in the Pacific seafloor:
The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn would have moved with Precession of the Equinox, and that has happened, as shown for the Pacific off South America. The pattern of offshore seamounts, rises and grey features are 10,000 km in total arcuate distance (above) and continue to the Equator; this suggests regular changes in the reversal. Time interval is unknown, and it could have had many subsea features moving concurrently.

Angle between Ecliptic and Earth's axis is the Tilt of the Spin Poles, above.

Revew of cores of ice from depths on glaciers show that that Milankovic's Time intervals are not regular, but do appear to indicate that there is cycling. Matsushima suggests the following Rotations over the Globe:
Greenland ancient lake is obscured by ice, and Penetrating Radar finds an Arcuate body of water- indicating movement to the East >), while the Atlantic is moving westward:

Should analysis be correct, Greenland has Reverse Tides, being initially an Archipelago- and this  may have hints of Geothermal activity. How does this relate to Pole Tilt changes,when the orientation is almost N-South? There is still 5-10 degrees slant to the island, and more data must be searched.
 Whitbey Island, WA is an excellent example of ice Age influence- the oldest island's  south part being about 125,000 years old. Below are analyses made near Hancock Lake- which is faulted:
Searching for Ice Age movemrnts, Baby Island is on the same fault trend as above- showing a SE movement, and Rising on the SW side- which is likely rebound and also normal:
Deception pass, N. Whidbey, has metasediments of Cretaceous and older age, and movement there is westward for normal Earth Tides; thrusting has created the San Juan Islands:
San Juan Islands Mixed Times:

Reversal has occurred within the ice age of 125,000 years ago, and the island is divided-faulted at the Greenbank farm, suggesting a Land shift (in lieu of a Pole Tilt change), since the great mass of Mantle plus Core is greater than 95 percent of Earth's mass, and the crust simply shifts over the Mantle- yielding Cascades volcanoes, whenever the angular divergence is large:

Hurricane fault Hf lies to the left of Hiway 9, to Zion NP, has slickensides to view the CCW uplift of the Colorado plateau, Cp, which moves to the right in the photo below; ratio of vertical to lateral is 4-5 x. or about a tenth of a mm/year:
Lateral (horizontal) slickensides are rare, and presage a Scarp or uplift:
Key to Earth Tides movement is the direction shown with Slickensides. Dynamics may not be shown via Classification or Terminology, and Google Earth has the fractures, patterns, arcs, and uplifts:
Fractures on the Terrace, above Hi-Emperor chain, above the seafloor:
Note that all evaluations are by Trial and Error, and not by assertion!
Scant erosion of a Large Fracture indicates youth, for this linear fissure:
Arcs in an Archipelago (Nusantara, Indonesia) show the direction of movement which creates It's South for Java and SW for Anak (son of ) Krakatoa offshore Sumatra:
Aleutians, Antilles, and all archipelagos are volcanic- except the Florida Keys, which are too young (possible warm springs for the most western underwater uplifts?):
Florida keys are too young to have vulcanism- being later than Mesozoic limestones in FL proper (karst topography has solution cavities, rather than quakes, and correlates with semidiurnal tides in the ocean):
Florida "tit" moves east and west, by expansion, and a smaller one develops offshore with Turbodites (silt moving at a small slope):
Gulf of Mexico has Diurnal oceanic tides, or once daily; resonating circular Basin allows an evaluation of Earth Tides Rate of 10.24 mm/year to be established for the east side:
Above- the tit offshore is 690km/69 compass degrees from Tampa Bay; taking from 90 degrees, this is 21 degrees, and might be related to the 23.439 Equinox or Tropic of Cancer location.
Tilt cycles plotted in the Gulf should be re-evaluated:
Earth Tides Rate are not accurate, and should be revised as both minimum and Maximum are found from the literature. Tonga trench (fastest known) has 10x the max shown, and the Hi-Emperor chain has 86 mm/year:

Other diagrams made by me- (trial and error) from case histories:
Again, I'll try to fit these Milankovic  100,000 year or less cycles into the Earth Tides m.y. cycles:

Next, I select a portion of Laverkin's Utah  Hf- where there is a less than a million year bifurcation (considering that local vulcanism is dated less than 1 m.y.:
Inside a cut in Hf, there is faulting, Arcs and  white gouge 

On a wider scale toward the local canyon orthogonal faulting:
Hf crosses the Colorado River (dark blue), indicating an older relative age:
I must continue on the inter-relation of Milankovic's 100 ky cycles and the million year Earth Tides (at least 1 million times the Moon's daily oceanic tides):
Above is an Einstein Warp- which for Earth experimentally has a 10,000 km Radius.

Gulf Stream turn Northward, and dark paths are at critical coordinates- indicating a geometrical connection:
Wider area, showing the Keys and terraces, where Tidal Rates may be measured:

Above is an oolitic Bahama island- which results from the uplift and warming of the Gulf stream, and which precipitates CaCO3 grains.

Hoping for a mathematical or age relation between Tilt cycles and Earth Tides, we proceed:
Above Hyperbolic Anomaly NW of Hawaii is unsolved, and the rebound from a further west 40 million year Siberia Strike will be researched.

Now, for a study of Cratons- above stable regions, and Craters violently Unstable- for Coriolis Force contrasts which have few and no starting with the oldest- Australia:
Australia- being the oldest Continent- has possibly the oldest Craters, and above is one in the Red and orange analyses.

Crater Hill , Utah, near the Zion NP, has erupted twice- once rising CCW, and secondly cooling- descending CW. Scoria makes it difficult to climb, and I made a GE photo:
Below crater or Richat structure is not understood by the Geo culture, and it appears to have Risen, rather than having been struck:
Kamil crater Sahara desert may be the 40 m.y. one we seek; they expand with time, and we'll search the Earth Tides enlargement of the Diameter with time interval; the Strike disturbs the Pole Tilt, and continues to reverberate with time, in an oscillating mode:
Literature suggests that the strike velocity is the dominant factor for crater Size unless the strike Angle is very close to Zero; the Siberia Popagai Eocene 90 km Diameter 35.7 m.y. crater  71.65N 111.16E probably has large age Errors, so we'll appraise it:

Not the correct crater,  above is part of the Siberia Craton at 125E, and correct one is not in my files!
Expanded- you can see the coordinates:
South Africa Pc crater yields another Diameter with its lip to the NW:
Australian crater has highest lip to the NW also- indicating strike from the SE: