Saturday, January 26, 2019

Hurricane, Utah- Home of 3 Craters, great Fault Hf, and easily-seen Earth Dynamics in your Lifetime

Above is Hiway 9 with Hf Scarp to the right, and a backwards "S" which is the sinking Virgin River. Previous paths would make this a Figure 8 (white scale), and the Age is less than 1 million years- the radodated Ivin Knoll nearby- and that of the oldest basalt flows.

Hurricane is a name given to the strong winds from the north caused by downslope gusts- created by air mass from the north (same as Hf moving (CCW at the Colorado Plateau, Cp); original settler with covered wagon top blown off exclaimed "that was a Hurkin" Isaac below:
Hurricane Mesa is the plateau on the Cp to the east- toward Virgin Town and Zion NP:
North are the 2 million years or less Virgin Anticline, Pine Valley Mountains PVM of 22 m.y., and the Virgin River as a divider:
Diagonal line of the anticline lies above Quail Lake (center dark water) and below PVM:
Climbing Hf is the Honeymoon Trail, a road from Arizona to the St. George Temple for 19th century marriages- which is passable for 4W drives:
I have taken portions of Hf to find the Ratio of Arc distances on GE, and the first trial at Hurricane city was 2.54 for an equivalent 2.49 Inclination degrees Ratio of the largest for Saturn- with an orbit of 29 years. I have witnessed 3 killer rockfalls during that time- indicating the Activity for the nearby area.
Basin and Range is west, and Cp is to East- showing the maintained Honeymoon Trail:
Google Earth GE coordinates of the Honeymoon trail Ht- climbing the Hf scarp:
Heat from the scraping of Cp with Hf creates springs- named Pah Tempe below:

View of Ht from above the Hurricane fault Hf shows the scarp contrast above BaR, with PVM to the west:
Checkerboard 2 is found in the Virgin Canyon, below the oldest Watertower Crater, Hurricane town, and reveals slickensides in a figure 8 pattern for basalt outcrops, fan-shaped patterns, and angles:
Larger view, near Virgin River, with basalt eroded boulders at edge:
Contact between Mesozoic sediments and Pleistocene extrusives:
Checkerboard 2 orthogonal Fan closeup, for angles, spirals,and the divider:
Details of the Checkerboard surroundings:

Checkerboard wall shift shows the basalt above the Virgin River creating rotation:
Checkerboard Reversal created by cooling  with a Reverse "S" CW, after rising CCW:
Large view of the Virgin and Basalt slicks, where an Inflection has created the rotation:
Atop Cp is another larger Checkerboard Mesa- which divulges information about Dynamics:

This Mesa makes an ellipse after 41.28 k.y. (Milankovic's 41,000 year Wobble cycle) within the Ellipticity of 100,000 years:
Elliptical shape is seen on the south side below, and the Location from GE:
Expanded Mesa from above shows the reversing Terraces- which have formed after Erosion has removed the surroundings (making an uplift by comparison with removed rock) below:

Now- in the Hurricane, Utah area;
Sullivan Knoll, above, is the closest and youngest Pleistocene extrusion- roughly 1/4th of the age of the million year Ivin Knoll to the south of it:
Ivin Knoll above and below is mostly eroded, and is the same age as the flow at the AZ border: the highest elevation at the divider:

Divide extrusion occurs across the Hurricane fault Hf, and is split by the uplift:
Highest elevation- indicating uplift from below- is shown on the south road to Arizona from Hurricane town:
Divide basalt flow is shown spilling over Hf:
Larger view of the basalt flow and its flow to the west, 10 miles south of Hurricane:
A Crater inside the Hurricane city limits is Red Ash- previously mined for road metal:
Across the Virgin River from Hurricane town is the Leeds crater- a dormant discolored plug, which will restart soon; it is the Focus of the rotation of the Virgin anticline, producing heat from the scraping of Red Mountain (center right, by the yellow diagonal):

Buildup to a new eruption is the 70F boiler on the Washington City fault- 20 km to the west of Hf; it isused to warm hothouses near I-15 Freeway:
Crater Hill on Cp is one that has erupted twice; spent, and covering gravels allowing spring flow on the Virgin City road gully:
Spring location is shown below the outlying lava flow:
Craters within the Hurricane City limits include the Water tower, Red ash, and Sullivan  knoll- where the LaGrange equilateral triangle ET was measured. 8 craters above and below Hf make an ellipse pattern- indicating that some preceded Hf:
Enlarged for City limits Triangulation of the Heat production of LaGrange:
Hf large Virgin canyon view, for exploring the anomalies at the Pah Tempe hot springs, SO2. and the intersection distance to Hf:
Hf at the Pah Tempe hot spring coordinates:
Hf slickensides at Hiway 9 show there are 4 down moves for 1 lateral rotation CCW:
Sunlight shows the nearby slicks to be shiney for, information on movement; these terminate the ones found on the Hurricane fault Hf to the south:
Slickensides with ice in the sunlight, last to the south at Hf (obscured to south by rubble, and incomplete):

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Geometric anomalies on Earh's crust

Geometry is subject to Mathematical rules, unlike geological classifications; the Crust features Milankovic's measured rotations, accelerations and jerks (da/dt), chatter dj/dt, Mass shift- an apparent visual-only pole displacement, Pacific coast shrinkage and Atlantic lateral displacement, and Crust Rotation.
Zion NP's Checkerboard Mesa is an enlarged mound, where its Terraces and Polygons may be seen from the hiway; it has rotated and reversed, as shown by its pinched out terraces showing the direction of movement, relative to its surroundings- which have been eroded away, and has created comparisons of the Mesa as it is hardened and compressed with its rotations.
 Note that acceleration= dV/dt, or change of Velocity with Time; jerk is da/dt, Chatter is dj/dt, some of these being Trigonometric functions, where sine waves dominate:
Rotation of outcrops alongside the Virgin River has created Slickensides in mathematical patterns- which allows these dated surrounding basalt flows' ages to calculate Rates of movement:
Surrounding Pleistocene basalt flows (at least 3) show the environment of the incising Virgin River:
Golf courses allow Mima Mounds to be seen clearly- since the courses are kept mowed:
Changing angle of tree trunks allow the timed measurements for uplift of the mounds in un-mowed growth to calculate rates for this Pleistocene Whidbey Island:
Although Milankovitch mathematically calculated his orbital variations for the Earth's Atmosphere, I find that the orbits are scribed on the Land above sealevel, as well:

T ilt of the Earth from the Ecliptic:

Although the oceans absorb our Moon's energy via Tides, the Pacific Ocean's seafloor show Transform Faults: 40.439N Latitude at Mendocino, California's Cape or jut:
 Kaibab uplift north of the Grand Canyon shows its arcuate geometry in green:
Close inspection shows many Mima Mounds seen from I-5 freeway near the Willamette River, Oregon:
Pacific spacing of major transforms are shown in the Eastern Pacific to Hawaii's Maui and Midway Island:
Mendocino Cape or jut at 40.439N latitude is the main N. America reference N. and South:
Above Mendocino Transform is 45 latitude degrees North of the Talara, Peru, S. America jut at 4.561S- forming a Right Triangle RT with the Transform; S. America moves at a different lower rate than the North, and this relation is working to the west along the Transform. Below is the second reference:
Enlarged and Time-calculated from the Arc (not very accurate below):

Fractures develop from cracks during the Full Moon opposition to our Sun, and I will try to find a way of seeing them; below is a large AZ Fracture- such as also occurs at the great African Rift:

NEW MAJOR TOPIC of Creep along the Earth's surface:

Santa Clara, Utah has an arcuate cliff Earth Tides  "creeping" rather than jerking, as shown in the following Major Presentation: BLUE CLAY of the Triassic Chinle:

Color of the Blue Clay is seen in above outcrop.

Triassic volcanic ash has weathered to "Blue clay" which creeps due to its low viscosity, rather than with brittle at the cliff (scarp) base:
Ground surface (top of the Crust) buckles under shove from the west (Reverse Tides)- Compression:

Buckling above occurs across the photo! Lot owner placed concrete Columns to stop the creep, but they are now exposed- showing the East to West TILT progression:
Returning on January 28/2019, the lef t6 concrete posts have fallen to the ground- showing that Earth Tides have moved about 1 meter in 4 years, at a Rate of 25 cm/year. Cases for N.America have had about 20 mm/year, or a tenth of that at Santa Clara! This could be explained by stresses not being relieved by jerking but by creeping faster- relieving stress continually. What is happening via Vibration is occurring faster at the top layer of the Crust. Vibration is continual, and jerks do not relieve it; what is the Frequency or period of normal  Earth vibration? Searching. Einstein says "All i vibration", and we are now in the realm of Quantum Mechanics.

Fractures trace N-South, perpendiculat to the west shove:
Magnified view of Scarp with lower tilting concrete columns:
Chapel Street, Santa Clara is the NE edge of the rapidly-moving Earth Tides, and to the NE of this street there is much less movement:
Centerline divider above with obvious fractures  to the West-left has been asphalt-coated, and the evidence is covered as of Januaru 2019.
Santa Clara Scarp has the Triassic TrChinle at the base, as seen by the color:
Fractures seen above allow a spring to perpetually drain below:
Santa Clara Creek is the divider of the creeping Arc and across the creek, the Brown hills- making an analemma for the duo (see circular subtle hilltop):

Santa Clara- South of the River- Brown Hills trapezoid:
Santa Clara arc (cove) Triassic sedimentary column:
Previous Santa Clara asphalt road and concrete curb has been broken to reveal the Buckling Compression:
Review all of the above- which is the best Example of Earth Tides
"creeping"exposed in Man's lifetime Scale!

Big Picture of the Mesozoic surroundings shows how the little cove Arc fits from across the River:
Santa Clara anomaly must be focused by the Scarp above- which is speculated to rotate about the River. Why does it fid this particular cove, or did the rotation process focus on this fault?
The Focus is probably at the river, and it may be in the above view. Below is the Arcuate Wave- which may point to the Focus:
Viewing from an oblique-angled GE position shows the Focus at the intersection of lines:
Microcracks develop with the Full Moon, and these become Fractures later- shown by diagram:
Fractures become Transform faults- when viewed on a regional scale- such as Mendocino:
Geologists use Fissures for my Fractures, and below are some above the Virgin River above Hurricane, on the Colorado Plateau near Virgin town:
Note above. that many fractures are Orthogonal (right angles to) main N.-South ones.
Below is a broad view, above the Virgin River (North up):
Fractures developing at Hf thrusting- into the scarp:

NEXT View of Geometrical features has the Washington City trail collapse alongside the Virgin River:
The Virgin River is a divider (low point) of the Hogback above and the Hurricane Valley flatlands, below; part of a Polygon, and the anticline in St. George at the dam turns 45 degrees:
Big view of the Virgin River west of Sand Hollow Lake:

Washington City trail coordinates are shown before the collapse:
Impending trail collapse as boulders fall onto the asphalted path:
House which first began to receive Mud from the Blue Clay Earth Tides (later bought and demolished by the city) has been replaced with a concrete bulwark:

Eroded wall is like a scarp, and its steep wall iseasily eroded during the Full Moon's microcracks:
Given sufficient time, slickensides form with the gradual movement:
Virgin and Santa Clara confluence is anomalous, in that friction develops whenever 2 Rivers have different rotation rates- producing Heat:

Microcracks are assumed to develop with the Full Moon attraction (opposition to the Sun), and I tried to see the subsurface created by ants feverishly working during the phases of the Moon. Below is the ellipse made during the New Moon- part of the Figure 8 two weeks later. This needs work on solid rock, rather than loose sand:
April 2012 New Moon pattern of anthills:

CONCLUSIONS are 1. Virgin River is a divider, with low elevation- being furthest from Gravitational attraction;
2. Grapevine wash- with springs along the way- leads to the WA trail (it's perpendicular);
3. Erosion of the banks (edges) follows fractures, which are enlarged after the Full Moon:
4. Collapse is continuing- particularly at sharp bends (inflections) in the Virgin River: and a
5. Dam occurs where the Milankovic cycles create a 45 degree turn in the river.
6. Microcracks are not yet proven, and you may leave a suggestion for those in solid rock.