Saturday, December 1, 2018

Volcanoes occur mainly in Indonesia, Iceland, and Hawaii; What's the Impetus?

Mid Atlantic Ridge, MAR, has regular Eruptions in Iceland-which is almost at the Arctic Circle 66.561N- yet this cold island has the advantage of copious Geothermal Energy:
I have tentatively Concluded that Vulcanism is created whenever the Shallow Crust moves at a different rate or Angle compared to the Mantle (data from USGS black novacenters) and Core (no data); Iceland moves to the SE, from the 16 m.y. NW, and the Atlantic and MAR move West at 17mm/year! This happens at Hawaii (2 tracks), archipelagos with deep quakes inside the arc, and for Reverse Tides- where surrounding Land moves in the opposite direction, eg the Cascades.
Vertical crust rotation down created an Angled move Up to the Bitterroot Mountains, from an offshore Transform:
South of Mt Lassen, there are no active volcanoes, and the fault System by going NW, creates a 40-45 degree compass turn to Mendocino 40.439N to a major Transform:

Iceland has spread from its NW corner 16 m.y. ago, and moved SE toward present Bardurbunga- a Land move, rather than a pole tilt, above.
I'll attempt to determine if this was caused by a strike, Precession of the Equinox (it was closer to the Arctic circle then), Earth Tides (Atlantic bulge was moving West), or via Asteroids-Jupiter:
Greenland, nearby (Pc geothermal heat- now dormant) was re-measured for Height (N-S)/Width- yielding 2.14 Ratio; 2D distortion  over a long  Longitude change makes width inaccurate, and when using 270 compass degrees, the ratio is 1.96. Visually choosing prominances (no shelves), I calculated 2.14, as compared to Moon/Sun= 2.16 for E-West Sun cases. Importance is for determining the Sun's influence on vis-a-vis Jupiter and its LaGrange ET:
Lagrange Diagram:
Between Greenland and Iceland is a linear measured for Distance from the last significant turn 60 degrees (rounded Compass measure) to Iceland's vulcanism:

Notice the linear along the changing MAR light blue line: this forms the NW side of a LaGrange triangle-Which has Heat (Volcanoes) at the apex: they are reported on and Remeasuring 1702.55km/33.13 compass from last MAR turn/20 km/m.y. or 85.1275 m.y. within 10 percent (30d fits ET).t.

Greenland has an arcuate >) inland lake which opens to the NW side, and has expanded from its Pc days- suggesting an original archipelago (having extrusions), but which have since cooled. Gt might still be warming the subsurface to maintain the water T (obtained via Radar):

Other volcanoes occur along the MAR: Tristan da Cunha, St. Helena, at 15.97S:

This cannot relate to Fc Coriolis= mass x acceleration= m(dv/dt)= Force, and the effect is mainly seen at the Equator! There, the S. Hemisphere has more basalt-clad ocean floor (Density=4), since there is less silicate land (2.65 gm/cc density), and the twist of the N. Hemisphere reflects it, with the caveat of strikes of Columbia flood of 16, Deccan traps 64, and Siberian traps of 256- forming a quartering progression later.
Columbia basalts 16, Deccan  64, and Siberia traps of 256 million years Age are all in the N. Hemisphere, and have twisted it relative to the South:
Colunbia flood basalts follow the Snake River plain, above, and create Reverse Tides toward Yellowstone; rotation of the Crust produces a Rise at the Bitterroots, simultaneous with a descent offshore (a Vertical Arc rotating CCW, relative to the Snake sink CW:

So, let's concentrate on the occurrence of extrusions within 5 days after a Full Moon, Perihelion on January 3rd, Inflections- such as Krakatoa between Java and Sumatra, CME bursts from our Sun, and close Moon approaches- Perigee. Syzygy is a conjunction or opposition, regardless.
Cycles of eruption have proven ellusive, and they may be influenced by the 60,60,60 degrees Corner of the Jupiter dominated Asteroids below (Vesta- one of the 4 largest): crosscheck with
Jupiter is the largest Planet: 2.5 times all the other solar masses, excepting our Sun:

LaGrange Equilateral triangle of asteroids ET; 
Iceland coordinates: 64N 20E:
NW corner erupted 16 m.y. ago- same Age as the Columbia flood basalts- possibly due to a Strike in the series: 16, 64, or earlier 256 m.y. via Quartering:
Westernmost extension of the MAR has a rounding corner of about 60 degrees; this is approximately 1700 km from Bardurbunga- the last significant eruption.
Below is the light blue line of the MAR leading to Iceland; 1700 km/20 mm/year yields 85 m.y. since the progression started:
Analyzed GE location of Iceland:
Enlargement of the location of a 1111 km line to the MAR corner:
Atlantic portion of the MAR (trial and error) with 60 degree "rounded" corner:

Next in the Series is continually Active Hawaii, which has an association with the Challenger Deep, Mariana Archipelago 6,000 km distant >) which recycles mass to feed the Kilaeua eruption:
Above orthogonal anomalies are key to understanding the interference causing Eruptions from Shear of the crust. Mantle plumes are not the answer-the Crust dominates!
Hawaii has the next continuing Eruptions: it has the Emperor chain in light color, going  to the NW, below:
Youngest volcanic island is Hawaii, with Loihi to the south, subsea:
Transform near Maui leads to Bardurbunga, Iceland, MAR: 10,000 km distant:

Clue to the Dynamics of Hawaii is the orthogonal grids in the Pacific to the SE:

French Frigate shoals is the last of the chain, until Midway is reached. Below is the irregular remnants of the Emperor chain- which is calculated to move 86 mm/year, on average:
Due to the lengthy chain and the Quadrant extent of the MAR, islands (including Maui and Hawaii) are 10,000 km  from the Atlantic Divider. Red line is the 10 Kkm measure to Iceland:
Eruptons are dated about 1 million years apart, and Loihi is subsea and growing now, even though Hawaii has eruptions now at Pu'u:
Red line path attempts to calculate the Age of Loihi's initiation, and it is 1.7 m.y. at the minimum- starting at the seafloor. Chain may now be an Archipelago- what with a turn to the south; even so, all vulcanism is dead, NW of Oahu's Diamondhead. Kilaeua is similar to Italy's Stromboli- Boiler, or continually erupting on a non-killer level: Strombolian is a type of

For more information and analyses see where 10,000 km- the quarter of Earth's circumference- connects and this Radius of an Einstein Warp occurs on GE as a Geometrical feature:
Below is an Einstein ring- where interference diverts Light to surround it.
Einstein Warp is shown below, and its Radius for Earth is 10,000 km- creating Anomalies:
Most of Earth's volcanoes are in Archipelagos: Aleutians, Antilles, S.Shetlands, and Indonesia; Cascades are the main exception- due to Reverse Tides. Lassen and St Helens are shown later.

Most informative about is Indonesia, where 150 locations have occurred in USGS record keepimg:
Anak (son) Krakatoa lies offshore Sumatra, and I have boated past it on the way to harimau country; active now, it killed many in Dutch occupation times.It occurs on an Inflection, where Java points south and Sumatra SW- hence the rate of expansion changes, and creates Heat of Friction over a short time period (less than 11.86 Jupiter years orbit):
Enlargement of Java's south coast- Pelabanratu ( I visited) where sand beaches occur:

Java has many Geothermal features, including Merapi volcano and a Mud eruption- occuring now. I took the thermal waters of Tankabanprahu (upside-down boat) near Bandung
Experimenting with LaGrange equilateral triangles ET, I took Java- Sumatra's Krakatoa as a starting  point:
Red dots are Geothermal features- Kalimantan (Borneo) is a stable mini-craton now: 
Tambora of 1815AD was the biggest Killer in Indonesia:
Bromo, in East Java: Jawa Timur:

There are others, but they generally occur at the Pacific Rim, in the "partial figure 8 of fire":
USGS shows their Irregular Pacific partial figure 8:
Big Island of Hawaii is at the West edge of and is a Divider of the Pacific:
Above chain has taken a turn south, and may be called an archipelago now, but no young eruptions have occurred in man's time NW of Oahu's diamondhead.
Other  eruptions occur mainly at Japan, Phillipines, the Equator, and the West coast of N and South America; Ishinomaki below:
Kamchatka an old archipelago still has eruptions, near the Aleutians' Divider:
Within five days after a Full Moon, microcracks become Fractures, which allow Extrusions to develop; there are 12 Full Moons yearly, and each may have 3-4 eruptions simultaneously (within a day), and this creates 48/80 on average! January 3 each year the Perihelion creates more and Inflections probally the rest. See for more cases. USA has Alaska as the main eruptions since Mt St Helens:
Others: Bogoslov was active earlier in 2018:
Mt. Lassen erupted last in 1921; I hiked it in 1945; it still has mudpots, geysers, and high Temperature:
Miscellaneous volcanic cones- such as Veyo, Utah are advancing to the west in the Basin and Range province; it has Hot Springs nearby:
Leeds volcano, by the Virgin River, is a Focus of the Anticline's turn to the NE, forming Heat with scraping of the Red Hill to the East:
Red Hill to center right was shoved vertically as rotation occurred around the called Leeds- a still anomalously-colored active cone, Waiting for the next CW rotation while descending:
Above rotation and Shear by 45 degree turns is a Major clue to Frictional Heat which scrapes the Crust when on a 100,000 year basis; this is close to Milankovic's atmospheric time period, and we'll incorporate it:

Wobble illustration:
Literature Diagrams of Milankovic.
Green Springs golf course illustrates Mima Mounds and the small cycle of Milankovic:
Above illustrates the Crust behaving similarly to the atmosphere.

Leeds Volcano via Google Earth, from above:

Mt. St. Helens I have retrieved from an old stick:

Enlarged, and oblique view:
Google Earth view from above Mt. St. Helens:

SP Crater, above, is near Flagstaff AZ, and is one of younger outliers of the San Francisco Volcanic field near the Mogollon Rim- a source of Shear at the Scarp, above.
SW USA map locates the Geothermal events, including Mammoth Mountain, CA:
Found the SW USA volcanoes, above, Saint Helen Island below:
After cataloguing various types of I will look for generalities!
Full Moon, above, was seen at home, for measurements; large Moon in the morning is a fantasy- caused by eye distortions and psychological influence!
Our Moon,  supplyimg Energy for  eruptions, although tied to Earth, has many independant movements, above.
Moon Color is not indicative of dynamics, but it's Haze near Earth's Atmosphere:
Case histories have our Moon as the dominant factor for and is the closest body to Earth, tugs on it Monthly, and recedes 3.8 cm/year from Earth.
Review of Moon's Inclination to the Ecliptic: 5.145 degrees, and Barycenter- which forms an Arcuate oscillation Monthly- and creates Meanders in creeks.

Etna and Stromboli are still active, and they are off the Italy "tit" and are due to the move south of the Sardinia Ellipse (more work needed) see
Upper Marianas chain is both quaking and volcanic; below is Pagan island- uninhabited, and  is alongside the Trench which is deepest at the Challenger deep near Guam. This 10 km deepest trench in the world re-circulates water and sediments to shove >) towards Kilaeua in Hawaii- 6,000 km distant.
Marianas Trench near Guam has an Oligocene - Eocene Age:
GE closeup of Challenger deep:
Alaska's Aleutians are the main source of and major for the USA after Mt. St. Helens of 1980AD:
Putting the Aleutian Bowers' Spiral in a Diagram, simplifies it:
Google Earth analysis- showing the latest Reversal of Earth Tides at Bowers ridge:
Big picture of the Analemma partial Figure 8 from Indonesia to North:
Aleutian's activity within the last 5 years:

Reversals- such as the Antilles, Aleutians, Bahamas, S.Georgia, Marianas, and Kamchatka have and they proceed Eastward today! Exception is the greatest number of extrusions in Indonesia (Southward, except Sumatra):
Zion NP is a 1-2 million year Uplift, with the Hf scarp at the West edge, and Cedar Breaks uplift to the north (28 m.y. cones occur North) , and the entire feature is still rising monotonously! Fractures at the N.Scarp allowed basalt to rise then. Zion Virgin canyon is the divider shown below:
Zion's age is bordered by 1 m.y. Ivin knoll and 22 m.y. Pine Valley Monzonite Intrusion:
North side of PVM has older basalt extrusions, and to south is Ivan Knoll:
Youngest of PVM is at the East; where erosion has not taken the arcuate Mesozoic beds below:
PVM basalts on the north side are older- Miocene at the youngest, up to Cretaceous:
Oak Grove on SE side is Monzonite foothills (Miocene 22 m.y.):
Movement of PVM since uplift has produced Mounds- like those on the South side (Valleys and Rises) below- which hint of Milankovic's Ellipse, and younger 41,000 years wobble cycles:
Erosion follws Fracture lines, and may be called Gravity waves; below is unusual erosion on rhe south side of PVM:
Above featuress are not Extrusions, but result from Earth Tides, and we must sort out the difference between Extrusions and Intrusions.
Diatremes may rise relatively cool; above NW New Mexico Shiprock has 3 rotated Terraces- see if you agree that they rotate CCW (rising relative to eroding plains).

New topic of subsea has little literature data;
Subsea Volcanoes- such as Stromboli, Italy is an unexplored category- they are not easily inspected:

Stromboli first clue is the LaGrange equilateral Triangle ET, with it on the Hot Boiler corner:; this suggests an Asteroid of Jupiter's connection, above.
Mt. Erebus, Antarctica is in the "boiler" category also, onland:

Referencing Size, below is a Geometric view:

Etna from space, or one in a similar category; it is on Sicily, but on the Ellitical trend of Stromboli- which may involve 2 geometries:
Hawaii- Emperor trend is on 2 tracks, with Loihi subsurface Rising CCW; 2 geometries are Arcuate:

Vesuvius onland at Venice (now sinking) rose in historic time, and is a time marker for the Ellipse on the west side of Italy (continuing from ancient Sardinia to Sicily):
Italy's Norcia analysis:
Volcanic islands at S. Sandwich and Falklands have east Reverse Tides, above.
Subsea seamounts at the Pacific Dateline may yield a clue for Eruption's Patterns:
Mt. Erebus, Antarctica is onland, and a "Boiler"; it is part of the triple large Cratons from Canada ans Australia- 16.000 km apart, or 144 Meridian degrees- and it continually erupts (as A and C do not):
Antarctica is not quite as stable as the Australia and Canada Cratons, and itt has developed a tit on  the S. Franklins and Georgia side:
East or Reverse Tides has the S. Georgia archipelago, near Antarctica:

Canada craton is younger than Australia's:

Australia Craton above is the oldest (at least 4,400 million years), while S. Africa's is smaller and 8,000 km from it:
Difficult to find the center Focus, and it's not Ayers Rock, but closer to Alice Springs:
Another view:
Measure of 2500 km above may be the Focus.

What is the commonality of stable cratons and ? There are Stable Boilers (Stromboli, Erebus,  Ethiopia's Alearta, and Iceland's slight move SE), while most others are cyclical, violent, and non-boilers.

S.Aftrica's smaller Craton is almost as old, and produces the majority of diamonds (indicating previous volcanics):

Africa's Kimberly Pipes are conduits (old vulcanism) to the Mantle:

Clue to follow is the 10,000 km separatuon of Erebus and the Talara jut (cape) 4.561S latitude, to find what is on the ET corner to the west (Island at end of Tonga Trench?):
Tonga Trench is the upper, including the arc to west; Kermadec is the dark one to the bottom. below- the Bend is an Inflection:
Above comparisons do not yield information on Erebus Boilers; this may be a LaGrange ET,  with the hot end at Erebus, but we have to find an island to view the transform fault asssociated with it.

Rarotonga, Cook Islands is a 10 m.y. volcanic remnant- now inactive with the along Thrusts that may be the cool corner of the LaGrange ET.
It is shy of the 10 Kkm sought, but is shown as an archipelago:
Note Cook Islands in the lower right corner; enlarged:
Enlarged GE, showing seamount arrangement, above. Tonga trench triangle below:

Tonga-connected volcanic island rising above, and a view of the new below, for possible erring distance:

Boiler Volcanoes (Erebus, Hawaii's Kilaeua, Stromboli) have almost constant location; 10,000 km Jut at Talara from Erebus has near 20 mm/year, or one meter shift in 50 years.  These slow eruptions give ample warning of movement- such as the slow Ropey Lava Pahoehoe:
Conclusions regarding the last category are:
1. Source is top of the Mantle;
2. Basaltic with copious Iron has slow movement Locally and Regionally:
3. Movement is slight laterally, but enough to create Frictional Heat;
4.  Estimate of movement is 20 mm/year:and
5.  LaGrange Equilateral Triangle ET, geometrically locates them.