Coriolis Force Fc= mass x acceleratin= m(dv/dt), or the change of velocity between Latitudes (North or South) for the Atmosphere, and for the Crust of the Earth- creating Rotations of air CCW for rising columns in the N. Hemisphere, and CW sinks in the Crust.
Coriolis Force drives Arcuate features from the equator, recognized in weather as Dust devils, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, and High and Low pressure cells- labeled HI and LO; these are found in solid Google Earth Tides as Rises, Scarps, Terraces, and Rotating landmasses. Note that CCW and ClockWise refer to Arcs, whether Coriolis related or not. These will be followed for earthquakes (for Killers > 6.1M) and erupting Volcanoes. These stronger Jerks and Volcanoes are sometimes associated with each other at a Separation distance of 10,000 km (1/4th of Earth's Circumference, or 90 degrees Latitude along a Meridian). Earth's Equator has the fastest linear surface velocity at 360 degrees/day x 111.111 km/degree or 40,000 km circumference- while its Arcuate velocity is constant throughout. Pole's linear velocity (except for Precession) is zero, while Equator's is .463 km/second; Earth's surface velocity decreases away from the equator, and a movement away from it causes an Atmospheric N. Hemisphere rotation to the left- eg for air above the ground- to produce a LOW pressure CCW rotation. Similarly, the surface of Earth's Crust occasionally rises in a CounterClockWise rotation in the Northern hemisphere. All are due to Coriolis rotation away from the Equator, and are triggered by Alignment of solar masses (with Mars previously- when developing a crust- as Earth does now!). Crust is made by Life, as shown by Hawaii's basalt black sand beaches turning after 4-5 m.y. into light sand at Kauai's- where Life takes the heavy ions, leaving SiO2. There was no crust before Life in early shallow oceans took heavy ions from basalt.
Hawaii's Big Island is the youngest, with black theoliitic Basalt beaches, above^: and also
Major Activity for me is to sort Dynamics of Coriolis Force from those caused by our Moon, Sun, Centrifugal Equatorial Bulge (Papua-New Guinea), Meteor Strikes (eg Columbia 16 m.y. basalt flows, 64 m.y. Deccan, and 256 m.y. Siberian traps), Mass re-distributions of Ice (Ice Age), Basalt flows (eruptions), and Trench (Tonga, Challenger deep) rockfall. I will accentuate Coriolis's events with a Coriolis CCW rotation, or CW:
Caspian Sea is the deepest fresh water Anomaly, and is chosen for its Karabugas evaporitic arm 55E to be the East location for the Diomedes extension 169.6W (use 170) of the N. Hemisphere Quadrant ^ 225 for Venus' relation (5/8 x 360= 225) to Earth tied with Venus's 8/5 Ratio orbit is the background.
Caspian Sea NW corner is inspected for young information, and has river input, above^:
Divider of N.America and Asia exists at the Diomede Islands, where 170W meridian traces through the Aleutians to the Bering Sea; it is 225 degrees of longitude west of the Caspian-Karabugas 55E:
Karabugas basin is a continually Salting evaporitic pan- where salts are replenished by drying:
Recent work and Photography.
Starting on features I have hiked and analyzed locally- below is the Virgin at Quail Creek Anticline:
Above is the Virgin Anticline, South Utah- where fractures allow openings (power poles path is artificial) - Erosion cuts CCW arcs in the Rise (Coriolis oblique), which occur with Milankovitch's TI- time intervals of 24+ k.y., 41,000, and 100,000 year cycles. These are uplifted by Gravitational attraction- mainly by our Moon and Sun, with ratio of 2.16 M/S. Other Solar masses contribute according to their Closeness and Mass.
Google Earth analyses form the basis of above Trial and Error preliminary conclusions.
Slickensides at the Hurricane fault Hf uplift (a CCW feature) are silicate precipitations on Scarps which have had sideways movements- slowly, so as to allow pressure changes to the flat face to plate SiO2 on the host rock (even when it is CaCO3). Above is Hiway 9, Utah- the edge of the Colorado Plateau Cp; its rotation is CCW, rising now- relative to the right side's Basin and Range sinking. Sinking shown on the Slicks is 4 to 5 times the lateral move to the right (CounterClockWise).
Shining in the sunlight are the Continuing Slicks near Hiway 9, looking East; white faces show the Lateral/Vertical as 1/5 ratio (drop into B and R is 5 times as large), and lateral is less than 1/10th mm/year:
Above CCW (N. hemisphere) rotations demonstrate that Coriolis Force operates for the entire Earth, except for the zero movement Poles- but is minimum at the Earth's Equator.
Above are the shiny Slickensides found at Hiway 9, Laverkin, Utah- where the SiO2 hardens to preserve the movements Down, which are 4 to 5 times the lateral CCW rotations; directions are found from these angled movements.
Above is the Hurricane fault Hf, as it is photoed at the old flume ditch from Hurricane town.
Hurricane Fault rises on the East side, and it separates the Colorado Plateau Cp, and the Basin and Range in the distance to the West, above. Hf makes an Arc which continues to the north in the Wasatch fault to the north of Salt Lake City:
Volcanoes: Masses- when Rising- rotate CCW in N. Hemisphere- and are influenced by Coriolis force; I have witnessed Mt St Helens eruption of 1980, and have collected ash in Idaho.
First Calibrate on Sullivan Knoll dormant cone in front of Ivin Knoll of 1 Million Years age, in Hurricane, Utah:
Cerro Prieto at US-Mexican border I visited, courtesy of my tour with Dr. Blair at Las Alamos National Lab:
Above Geothermal site is actively producing heat for Mexico's electricity generation; heat is being produced on the Scarp side by Uplift CCW.
Mt Olympus, Washington is 800 km from Mt Lassen- the furthest south of the Cascades volcanoes; it is rootless- having been shoved East by Earth Tides Reversed after the Eocene. Mt. Lassen last erupted in 1921, and I visited it in 1945:
Both Asiatic and Alaskan Diomedes are shown below at 169.6W, with error of .6 degrees:
Referencing the Iceland LaGrange 60 degree corner, below is the Forerunner along the shifting Mid Atlantic Ridge MAR- which is correlated with the Asteroids dominated by Jupiter:
Closeup of Eruption:
Between Jupiter an Mars is the Asteroid belt in its own Orbit:
Asteroids belt orbiting our Sun:
Closeup of the Lagrange 60 degree corner forerunner to Vulcanism:
Hood Canal, on the Olympic Peninsula, formed at Ice Age end: 15,625 years ago, and indicates mass Shift as ice was transferred to flowing water (not a Pole Tilt change):
Above is an angle change of 45 degrees, caused by the Olynpic Peninsula rotating at the end of the ice age.
Finally, Bardurbunga, Iceland eruption photo is shown- found in
Other volcanoes occur near the Hurrican Fault Hf, Utah:
Youngest in Hurricane, Utah city limits is Sullivan Knoll dormant- with stinking SO2 emissions:
Geysers Geothermal field, California- Gt, is formed by Scraping of the Upper Mantle against the Crust, yielding 400F steam for electrical power generation; Coriolis forces the Arcuate California crust to make an Angle against the Core and Mantle-dominated stable Spin and Tilt of the Earth (excepting Precession of C+M in a 24.000+ year cycle):
Western Hemisphere West Boundary Kenmei seamount is a Time Reference, at 39-41 million years- where the Eocene incurred a 40-45 degree turn on the Hi-Emperor chain- toward the Mendocino Transform, for a Geographic Reference, near 35N latitude:
What is the Dynamic behind the shift to the SE, after Kenmei of 39-41 m.y.? Moon movement to the South? Eocene strike in the Cheaspeake Bay-Virginia occurred to unsettle the Pacific? Hemisphere occurrence is possible, and we'll look at it:
Hyperbolic Crater pointing NE toward the Hi-Emperor chain 40 m.y. turn lies at 19N 171.24E in the Pacific, and may have resulted from a Strike- now rebounded to a Focus at -3400 meters:
Kamil Crater in Africa is chosen to demonstrate Dynamics of a Strike (not Coriolis) from Space:
Checkerboard Mesa, Zion NP, is a Rise CCW, now eroding-protruding still, and is used for an illustration of a Jurassic Navajo sandstone Jn of desert dunes after the Paleozoic:
Continuing through Geologic Time:
Grand Canyon has Arcs, and is cut through the Kaibab Plateau of Paleozoic age, Dynamic CCW towards Lake Mead is of much later time- 40 m.y.?
Mt Lassen, Cascades, California is East of Mendocino 40.439N, and is the southmost active Volcano in the >) East Reverse Tides, until Mt Baker to the north USA border, forming after the Columbia flood basalts of 16 m.y. REFERENCE:
Mendocinco cape 40.439N or Jut is 45 latitide degrees North of Talara, Peru, South America jut at 4.561S, and relates how the 2 continents move in relation to each other; this is a Geometrical Mystery, showing how Geologicists" subduction operates within Earth Tides' dynamics:
Hawaiian Emperor seamount chain is another NA West boundary that is 10.000 km from the MAR- which results from side-by-side Rotations of the shallow Crust, producing Friction on the million year scale; Loihi seamount is still subsea, and fits the 86 mm/year movement, on the East move:
Sutter Buttes, CA is another CW sinking, cooling with slickensides Geographic Reference, as it formed in the Central Valley- near Yuba. and results from a LaGrange equilateral triangle ET. shown by a Scarp to the west. and a calculated age of 1.616 m.y.; I have hiked this Butte twice:
Sutter Buttes Pleistocene Extrusion of 1.616 m.y. age:
Large view of the Hurricane cliffs fault Hf from Hurricane City- its eponymous namesake:
Hi-Emporer seamount chain is the West border of the North American Quadrant, and it measures one Half of quadrant (note small error) distance to the Wasatch line (fault):
Guam, west of the Challenger Deep (10 km) it oldest of the Marianas at 40 m.y. Eocene, and is a Divider of the Pacific- showing East move towards Hawaii Vulcanism; it correlates with Kenmei seamount, Mendocino Transform impetus, and Texas Unconformities- being a Major event:
Another repeating Feature on Google Earth is the presence of a Figure 8, as shown on mowed Golf Courses- Green Springs in Washington City, where Mima Mounds occur; these are not rare, but seldom noticed, until the landscape is kept mowed and cleared of brush. These are Natural, and can be seen- above- for the foothills of Pine Valley Moutains PVM ^.
Below is an unmowed Mima Mound on Whidbey Island's Freeland development; tree growth shows a lower limit on time of placement:
Buckling of concrete sidewalk shows that the Mound has risen in the last 25 years: